Monday, February 23, 2009

Eyewitness Account

Mark Twain

San Francisco Earthquake

Turkey Earthquake

California Earthquake

With a partner read two eyewitness accounts. After you have read comment on what you think is important to an eyewitness account. Your comment should be no longer than a paragraph.


  1. We think an eyewitness account needs a point of view from one person, a date and time, one central point of interest, different angles of the story, and a description of what the person was doing when the event happened. We also think that the main point of interest should be something that affected a big area of the world, not just one small town or person.

    Love Josef and Mick.

  2. From TaylorK. and DannyS.
    In the two stories that we read they have lots of detail. They include a lot of information about their family. They show a lot of emotion in their stories. The feeling of the earthquakes were very discripeive. The authors told us a lot about what the settings looked and felt like. Although they could have used a bit more dialoge.

  3. An eye witness account is a report about an incident where the author was actually there. It includes the setting at the beginning a little bit, but can change through out the story. It can use some quotes, but there is not much dialogue. It describes people's feelings at the time in detail. It seems that these stories were rather life changing.

    Bridget and Miriam

  4. bryce & taylor d.
    we think that an eyewitness accounts have good descriptive words and have very well supporting details. they have excellent examples of what happent to them and how they felt when it was happening.

  5. Abbie Carmona

    I think an eyewitness account is something like a journal or diary of an incident that has occurred or was in the past. like what he or she was doing at the time of the earthquake. what they saw happen what they were feeling at the time.

  6. What these two stories have in common or the eyewitness account is how the people are talking about it them selves, there is no narrator telling it for them, it's them saying how they felt and what happened from their point of view.

    ~Amber and Andrea

  7. we read the Turkey Earthquake and the California Earthquake. The Turkey eatrthquake just simply had different peoples views and what they thought. I didnt really tell a lot of the setting and stuff. On the other hand the California earthquake had a lot of detail and it really explained the setting quite well.
    Love Dani & Brooke

  8. -Takyah and Samantha-

    We think that an eyewitness account is giving detail on where the event took place and info on what is going on with a specific topic. Or in other words a group of stories classified under on main topic or idea. The eyewitness account that we read about was all about earthquakes, but not all eyewitness accounts are on earthquakes they can be under any main subject, like chickens or horses .

  9. Travis And Amanda said...

    An eyewitness report has to have lots of description and emotion. Also, it has to have a main purpose to get you really, really interested right at the beginning. When you write an eyewitness report you have to be accurate.

  10. Janette, Josh, Megan
    We read about how dogs can help rescue people from earth quakes and we also read about a little boys first earth quake. They both had diologe in them and they both had aq main idea in them. They were very differnt though one was just an experience and one was about a form of saving people.

  11. Jacob Chris

    The writer did not use the proper puncuation at the right times. This eyewitness account is important because it tells what the happened during the earthquake, such as things falling from the roof. It does not have very good detail though.

  12. Hey Stefan Wutte and Justin Cruickshank here. We read two different stories on earthquakes one in San Francisco and Turkey. The one from San Francisco was written by a little boy and it was a little hard to read or at least it felt like but otherwise it had good punctuation, no run on sentences and good description. The one from Turkey was a little more informational but it wasn’t as interesting because it just said facts like LOTS OF EARTHQUAKES IN TURKEY. The San Francisco story was better because it gave more live details like what was happening at that moment. Overall the eyewitness accounts were better in our point of view.

  13. it describe swhat they were they were feeling and what they thought was going on and what was really going. lots of details

  14. our class said that an eyewitness accout includes:
    -a lot of detail
    -a main point or topic, or plot
    -proper puntuation
    -you CAN have more than one eyewitness but not normally, you only have to have one

    the main topic and plot of the Turkey earthquake didn't have enough detail and it had to much information. But the California earthquake jumped from eyewitness to eyewitness instead of staying with the same person.

    an eyewitness is a person that has witnessed something that has occured. An eyewitness accout is like if you tattle on someone else then that is your eyewitness account.
